Improve Your Brain's Creative Potential in 6 Easy Steps

You may be often be asked to use your brain's creative potential to create something at work. Yet most of the time it is not like a button switch. 

You cannot simply unlock your creative potential with a switch. However, with some time and a little effort on your part, you can use the techniques I am going to teach you to use your full creative potential

Whether you are reading this post on the train on the way to work or at your desk, this post will share 6 actionable tips to boost your creativity massively. So let's get started.

1. How Does Creative Thinking Work?

The main brain regions involved in our creative thinking include the prefrontal cortex which simply is in control of your attention and emotional regulation as well as your learning function. 

In addition, our brain has the default mode network which is a large-scale brain network which is consistently active even if the brain is not occupied with a task. 

Finally, there is the hippocampus. Now, that does sound like hippopotamus which might be similar in that they are big in different ways. 

The hippocampus has a big job and that is to help your brain learn and keep what you learn in your memory.

Okay well, now that we have the technical terms like prefrontal cortex and hippopotamus (ahem..) out the way. 

Let's talk about neurotransmitters which I like to think of as messengers that are needed for your body and brain to work. Im sure you have heard about dopamine and serotonin, well they affect your creativity and your mood.

In addition to the different brain regions, and neurotransmitters, we may be prone to think that our creativity lies in just one part of the brain. 

That is not the case. 

Creativity involves both sides of the brain and not simply the right side of the brain. This is known as the left vs right brain myth and it's exactly that, a myth. 

But that's not all, the brain can rewire itself constantly and with new experiences and practice your brain can change in a good way. This is known as Neuroplasticity.

Finally, our brain can get into a flow state according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It's when our brain is performing a task and we become completely immersed in it. 

Hours melt into minutes but the work is enjoyable and you feel unstoppable. 

I often get into these states during writing spells. And it's always amazing how pages of texts come together in one afternoon. Speaking of creative function, let's get into the actual techniques that will help you think more creatively.

2. What are the Techniques for Creative Thinking?

There are a few ways to get into the groove of creative thinking. Most of it stems from focused effort on your part, but it is well worth it for the rewards you get into your work or hobbies when you apply some creativity. 

I have chosen three key ideas that prove to be useful when firing up the creative wheels.

Divergent thinking
In many instances, we have an idea then we find ourselves immediately saying: "No that won't work." Essentially divergent thinking prompts us to say maybe that might work and instead of judging it, we become curious. 

In my work, I have to work pretty fast and so it's that quick "What if we try this?" that helps refocus and allow ideas to breathe and release themselves out into this world. 

Often, I critique the idea and find proof that it doesn't work but I push myself to ask "How else can this work?" 

Let's take a simple example. 

Your new project is falling behind schedule and people are declining ideas left right and centre. A simple: " How else can we make this work?" could shift the focus from doom to positive ideas that work. Am I right?

Okay, I'll be the first to admit it that brainstorming gets a bad reputation because we often think of these huge meetings where ideas are thrown about but nothing ever comes from it.

Well, let's try a different approach here. Start by setting a timer on your phone for only 15 minutes, and write down every idea that comes to mind.

Perhaps you are trying to create a new app to help cat lovers. Now if you are a cat lover you might think about what your cat desires to have the best life ever. 

A few ideas come to mind such as holiday costumes, video prep and food that agree with them. Well, you get the picture. I try to aim for about 20 ideas or more. 

Then I will set another timer and keep refining it. If necessary, I send a few to my colleagues and we mash it out. Sticky notes are helpful ways to organise the ideas but digital tools like notion are pretty good too. 

Mind Mapping
Now if you have a couple of Post-it notes gathered this next technique will be a breeze. In this step, you will try to organize the ideas. 

Group ideas that are similar under one heading, then continue to do that for all of the ideas. Eventually, you will have key topics and ideas under each topic. 

One of your key topics could be cat costumes and under that, you can put holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. Mind Mapping can be incredibly fun and works better with two or more people.

Now that you have 3 key techniques locked down, let's get into the nitty gritty of tips you can implement now.

3. What Can You Do To Boost Creativity in Every Day Life?

Morning Pages
Write two to three pages of stream-of-consciousness thoughts every morning to clear mental clutter. 

Personally, this is something I do every day as a way to get clarity as a writer. It's so worthwhile, but it gets easier with time. Consistency beats random bursts of pages.

Change Your Environment
Work in a new space, rearrange your desk or go outside for fresh inspiration. Walking is a great form of free exercise and it gives you the breath of fresh air you didn't know you needed.

Limit Distractions
Use techniques like the Pomodoro method to focus deeply on creative tasks. I use my phone as a timer to set 30 minutes for work and 5 minutes of rest and it does help you focus.

Consume Diverse Content
Read books, watch movies, or listen to podcasts outside your usual interests.

Practice Mindfulness
Meditate or take mindful walks to reduce stress and enhance creative thinking. The Waking Up app is so useful. 20 minutes at the start of the day and you will be winning.

Play and Experiment
Engage in hobbies or activities that have no "right" answer, like drawing or improv. One helpful thing is using an adult colouring book. I bought it for a couple of dollars and some coloring pencils and it's the best way to release tension and have fun.

4. Final thoughts

Okay fellow creatives, you've come this far so let me leave with some final words. 

Let me remind you that creativity is a skill so I want to assure you that it can be developed with consistent practice. Even so, be patient with yourself, it's going to take some time but if you stick with it you will see the results eventually. 

And be proud of your progress, even if you have one idea and see improvements. That is cause for celebrations so appreciate that.

Let's stay curious and let's keep learning. Go ahead and try one of the techniques and see how it changes your creative thinking. Let me know in the comments how it went.
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